The collected tournament fees (minus expenses) is spent towards purchasing basic amenities for Gowthami Manasika Viklangula Patasala (School for mentally challenged kids). We remitted a total of ₹ 58,495 ($ 1,200) and the purchased items costed ₹ 58,275.
Up to 14 Teams. Upto 10 players per team. $120 per team. Each team will play at least 3 games. Rally scoring. 21 and 25 point sets.
Where will be my money spent?
Gowthami Manasika Viklangula Patasala is a school for mentally challenged kids. Indian government has allocated 500 yards of land in Gorantla village, Guntur to construct a home for them. They are in the need for basic amenities like fans, chairs, cupboards and special toys for disabled children. Your contribution (as registration fee or any donation) will be spent on purchasing these amenities. Expenses and bills for the purchases will be posted on this website as we did for 2010.