Dear friends, we have collectively raised a total of $3864.79 ($2958.63 + $906.16) through tournament fees (two tournaments), individual donations and sponsorship (not many unfortunately). A total of ₹2,20,000 is spent towards the below two needs of the farmers. Even though we spent ₹ 2,20,000, our raised money across both the 2012 leagues summed up to only 2,09,896.75 (exchange rate of ₹ 54.31). But we spent more as the need was like that and the committee was pretty sure about raising the difference ₹ 10,103.25 in 2013.
Money spent
Milch animals (Buffaloes and Goats) for families of deceased farmers.
Up to 20 Teams. 8 players per team. Fee is $150 per team ($120 league fee + $30 for Lunch). Each additional player is $10. Rally scoring. 21 point sets.Register by emailing the team name and player details to