Sri Bala Bharathi AVL - Sixth League

Teams (Click me) Photos (Click me) Expenses (Click me)  
Charity (Click me) Results (Click me) Sponsors (Click me) Details (Click me)


Winners Winners image Runners Runners image


Dear friends, we have collectively raised a total of $3864.79 ($2958.63 + $906.16) through tournament fees (two tournaments), individual donations and sponsorship (not many unfortunately). A total of ₹2,20,000 is spent towards the below two needs of the farmers. Even though we spent ₹ 2,20,000, our raised money across both the 2012 leagues summed up to only 2,09,896.75 (exchange rate of ₹ 54.31). But we spent more as the need was like that and the committee was pretty sure about raising the difference ₹ 10,103.25 in 2013.

Items Money spent Receipt
Milch animals (Buffaloes and Goats) for families of deceased farmers. ₹ 1,90,000 Scroll down
Farmers who sold Kidneys to repay the loans ₹ 30,000 Scroll down
Total: ₹ 2,20,000    
These are the items we have donated
These are receipts for the donated items



When September 8th and 15th. Play begins at 7.30 AM.
Where Ocee Park - 10900 Buice Road, Alpharetta, GA 30022-6553
Registration Up to 20 Teams. 8 players per team. Fee is $150 per team ($120 league fee + $30 for Lunch). Each additional player is $10. Rally scoring. 21 point sets.Register by emailing the team name and player details to
Where will be my money spent? Farmers Project Operationalization.docx


Trophies for Winners and Runners.

Winners trophy
Runners trophy

Atlanta Volleyball League

Where fun leads to charity!